Oh my god... that's the first time I've seen the S&M version of the music video, and my jaw has hit the floor. It's like a crazy miracle that this raunchy. glorious thing was made. They named the club Palms, for heaven's sake!

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This is the version of the video I remember from the 80s, with Holly Johnson carrying that huge flashlight around. Positively tame by comparison! https://youtu.be/y64T-kYQ2B8?si=6ioDni9VOoN6AOJJ

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Until about a half hour ago, I didn’t know any other versions existed!

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Same! There are like four different versions of this video. I laugh because in every new version, Holly Johnson keeps putting on even more clothes. The version that most people see of him from videos and Top of the Pops is swallowed in giant jackets, gloves, and sunglasses. He went from naked to wearing every piece of clothing he owned, lol.

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Love this Jami! I still have this 7” somewhere. Back then, I had no idea what the lyrics meant (or what subtext was); I just knew it was a song that sounded great.

The message must’ve flown over my parents’ head too (they were hopelessly square); I can’t imagine they would’ve let me get it if they had. Doubly so if they knew it said “don’t let the bastards grind you down” on the back of the sleeve. 😂

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This song really grabbed my attention when it was used in the movie Body Double. It was - I can't even think of the word. Creepy?

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There are so many versions of this video. The one you just mentioned Brad is almost as racy as the original. For those who haven't seen this one, allow me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQMr351ib2k

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Most of the stories that you write about are new to me. I happen to have seen this one before*, but it's still such a good story that it's fun to read.

* I might have read it in Simon Reynolds _Rip It Up And Start Again_ which is a fun read.

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WOW I did it know the history of this band or song and now, watching the band version of the video, I have to say that I have a new found appreciation and love for this.

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I can’t unsee that milk pour!! And I had no idea about those lyrics. Very saucily read out loud to me just now by the automated audio narrative! 😂

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Haha, where does one find this automated audio narrative? I would love to experience that.

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At the top of your post, push the play button! Give it a whirl. It’s also great DJ material!!

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Oh my God, I'm listening to it now. This is hilarious!

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I was an actor in a movie called Parting Glances about 8000 years ago, and they spent the entire musical budget on Bronski Beat's "Smalltown Boy." I don't think I've seen a mention of it since then. That brought back an old memory. Great, informative article as always.

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Thank you Adam. I need to look up this movie now! I’ll be covering Bronski Beat soon so I hope you’ll enjoy.

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It was a landmark film. It was the first movie to address the AIDS crisis. It was Steve Buscemi's first film. If you take a very, very close look at my picture at left, you will ever so vaguely make out the young actor. Enjoy. Definitely watch prior to your article. There's a sympathetic connection to your work.

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Thanks so much for reminding me of this film, Adam. I had seen it profiled on the Queer Cinema Archive account on Instagram a while back and wanted to seek it out (but forgot). Excited to see how Smalltown Boy is used in it — especially now that I know it drained the entire music budget! 💙

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My god, that original video is a revelation! The Caligula vibes of it all — you could smell the poppers in the room. 🫠

I love for discoveries like this. Thanks so much for this deep dive!

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Good lord. What a great "reveal" on the song's scandalous history. Watched the original funky song on Youtube and LOVE IT. Damn, they should re-release that version and hit the charts again...

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