Impressive overview, Jami! I recognize that unmistakable torso on The Smiths' debut album! As Warhol once said, "In my movies, everyone's in love with Joe Dallesandro!" Well, he might not have been entirely correct, but he certainly wasn't wrong! While not on The Smiths myself, at the time, I was blown away by what Johnny and his Rick were able to pull off with PSB's Neil Tennant and New Order's Bernard Sumner to form Electronic in '89!

Last May, I highlighted their debut album: https://bradkyle.substack.com/p/audio-autopsy-1989-electronic-getting I hope you and your readers might enjoy...and, thanks!

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This was a great piece. It’s written really well and you covered so much in a very concise way. It also made me think of Morrissey and the Smiths in a new way. Thanks

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Thanks for your insight Michael! As you can probably tell from the name of this Substack publication, I'm a pretty big fan of the music. It shaped my formative years for sure.

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Yeah that definitely comes across, it also comes across in how well you wrote about this particularly musician/band.

I’m definitely really into music, but I have a friend who wanted to be a music journalist - and so, I’m going to refer them to your Substack.

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That's so lovely of you, thank you. I'm always up for a chat if your friend is interested in talking music.

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I’ll send them over to your substack and leave it in their hands... :)

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JOHNNY MARR IS A GOD. I got to see him live when he toured his first solo album and he is still stoic and cool. I love this, but i love all of the smiths, well the stuff that focuses on the music. And Morrissey's writing is truly some of the best. This was a lovely jaunt down musical memory lane for me, as a disaffected teenager the Smiths were a salve to my fragile soul. This was a great piece and an interesting take.

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I’m so happy to have discovered this stack today! What a fabulous exploration of a band that’s come to mean so much to me.

Love the selection of album covers you highlighted. Another to add to the mix, one of my favorites, is the cover for the This Charming Man single: a still from Cocteau’s Orphée, featuring the devastatingly handsome actor, and Cocteau’s longtime partner, Jean Marais. ❤️

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Thank you so much Michael! I’m happy you’re here! I’m definitely going to do more Smiths songs. There’s so much material to cover with them. Great addition on the “This Charming Man” cover. I’ve definitely tried to emulate that pompadour haircut in the past!

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If I had the hair, I’d be sporting Marais’s style as well! Glad to hear there’s more Smiths in the pipeline. As someone who writes about melancholy music, I hold a special place in my heart for them.

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