What an absolute badass

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Thank you thank you thank

you for the County intro. I’m putting her at the top of my playlist for discovery! And you do her justice. You should write her biography.

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Gosh, thank you Thea! I missed the boat on writing her biography but you should listen to it on audiobook. I could listen to her talk about her life forever. She is incredible.

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YW. Maybe the book should be about that whole trans scene and the movement it started in punk and glam. You’d knock it out of the park. Of course, this is coming from a person who doesn’t know anything about existing literature. But as they say, do it. Just better or different. 🤓🌈🎶🚺

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Loved being reminded of Jayne County's influence, and being reminded that it's time I actually listen to her work too. And this was written so excitingly! An equally fun and informative read.

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thank god for Jane County

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Thank you for this. I'm actually old enough to have shouted along to 'If you don't want to fuck me baby, fuck off" at The Marquee, and later at The Nashville rooms

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That is amazing! I bet she was a riot.

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